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General Festival Terms & Conditions
Please read carefully! There are some alterations from previous years. Non-compliance with any of these conditions may lead to disqualification.
1. The Festival is open to AMATEURS ONLY, excepting classes marked ‘OPEN’ in which competitors may be of professional or amateur status. For the purposes of this Festival, an amateur is one who does not derive the major part of his/her livelihood from teaching or performing in the discipline, defined by the section title, in which she/he seeks to enter the festival. The Festival reserves the right to refuse entry to any person who in its opinion fails to come within this definition. No performer under the age of 18 years will be regarded as professional.
2. ENTRIES will be accepted in order of receipt, and will be returned if they cannot be accommodated within the schedule. Section Secretaries reserve the right to reject any piece which is considered unsuitable. The Festival cannot be responsible for postal or email errors.
Entries will not be accepted unless signed agreement is given to the Festival Conditions, which include the Festival’s Child Safeguarding Policy, the new approach to Creating Safer Festivals for Everyone and the Festival holding of data in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
a. Each Section Secretary is responsible for creating a timetable and programme of classes for their events and every effort will be made to comply with applicants' requirements where they are known.
Requests for changes to the timetable and programme which are made less than two weeks prior to the event will NOT be accepted. (see note below re AGE)
b. Classes will be divided into two sections if there are 24 or more entries and treated for the purpose of medal awards as two separate classes. The Festival reserves the right to divide or combine other classes as necessary. Classes may be withdrawn if there are insufficient entries and in this case, entry fees will be returned.
c. AGE
ELIGIBILITY FOR MOST CLASSES is determined by the performer’s AGE as follows:
Dance Entry age as at September 1st of the year previous to the Festival.
Speech and Drama - School Year at date of the Festival rather than age
Music sections [Instrumental, Piano, and Vocal] age as at January 1st in year of the Festival
Any query about age and class entered must be made at least two weeks before the date of competition. Competitors may be required to produce birth certificates before receiving awards.
4. TIME LIMITS are given and must be observed. Performances that exceed the time limit will be adjudicated but are not eligible for a First Prize or may be stopped by the organizers or adjudicators if the time limit is grossly exceeded.
5 . COMMUNICATION WITH THE ADJUDICATOR is ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITED before, during, or after the Festival. All communication must be through the Section Secretary. The Festival reserves the right to disqualify entrants for any breach of this Rule.
6. LATE ARRIVAL – All performers should arrive at least ten minutes before the class is scheduled to start. At the discretion of the Adjudicator, performers arriving late for their class may be allowed to perform at the end of the class, provided the adjudication has not started.
ABSENTEES - it is helpful to the organisers if performers (or teachers) could notify the appropriate section secretary if they are unable to attend, giving as much notice as possible. This enables the smooth running of the Festival on the day of the event and avoids wasting the time of the adjudicator
7. CATEGORIES (for Music Sections), MARKS are awarded for Dance and Speech & Drama
Developing (65 – 69) A performance demonstrating anawareness of technical skills, requiring more consistency & artistry.
Progressing (70 – 74) A performance showing development of techniqueand/or communication and commitment.
Merit (75 – 79) A competent performance, showing some artisticawareness and/or technical ability.
Commended (80 – 84) A convincing performance technically& artistically, with increasing stylistic & communication skills.
Honours (85 – 89) An excellent performance, demonstrating fluenttechnical and artistic skills with emerging individuality.
Outstanding (90 – 94) An impressive performance technicallyand artistically, displaying spontaneity & clear individuality.
Exceptional (95 +) A superlative performance, displaying exceptionalartistic individuality.
8. PRIZES – A category of Honours or above is required for the award of a trophy or cash prize. Gold medals are awarded to the first placed performer in each class, with Silver and Bronze to the 2nd and 3rd placed performers, provided there are 5 entrants or more in the class. Medals are not awarded to those over 21 years of age.
9. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS. Medals, Certificates, Report Sheets, and most trophies will be presented to the winners following the adjudications. Certificates or report sheets which are not collected may be claimed from the Section Secretary if a large Stamped Addressed envelope is enclosed. Trophies and Special prizes will not be sent by post but may be collected from the Section Secretary.
10. RETURN OF TROPHIES -all trophies remain the property of the Festival, and must be returned to the appropriate Section Secretary by FEBRUARY 1st of the following year. Failure to do so may result, at the discretion of the committee, in forfeiture of the right to compete in future Festivals.
11. PERFORMERS AND FESTIVAL OFFICIALS ONLY will be allowed in the performing area. Coaching from the audience is not allowed and may lead to disqualification.
12. THE USE OF CAMERAS (VIDEO, STILL, PHONE, TABLETS ) AND OTHER RECORDING EQUIPMENT IS NOT PERMITTED due to copyright and Child Safe Guarding issues, especially during the performances. Some AUTHORISED PHOTOGRAPHY MAY BE ALLOWED DURING THE PRESENTATIONS BY FESTIVAL OFFICIALS. Where parents/guardians/carers do not wish photos to be taken at all, then the responsible adult attending should ensure that their child/pupil/vulnerable adult is not included in official authorised photos.
All attending the Festival are advised to take special care of handbags, musical instruments & cases, music, costumes, disc players, etc.
14. ADMISSION - The general public is admitted to all sessions at a cost of £5 per session or £10 for a whole day. (Concessions available). The Festival retains the right to refuse admission to any session without giving a reason.
Texting and tweeting are not allowed in the competition halls
Registered Charity Number 1012682
All rights reserved ©Richmond Performing Arts Festival 2024